
Ok, I’m back to blogging, having gotten over the hacker scare – yeah, that’s why you haven’t been hearing from me. The internet is dangerous, kiddies, lions, tigers, and bears…oh, my! and oh well…Fixed the prob. Danger has passed. There is no dragon – or lion or tiger or…you get the idea, heheh

Anyway, I am watching Mansfield Park! Yay! The one with Johnny Lee Miller, James Purefoy, and Alessandro Nivola – yeah, that GOOD one! lol. Today was a good day – a normal day, filled with the emotional fluxations, fear, happiness, and arguments that any twenty year old should enjoy. Thank God. So, hopefully, I will find some inspiration for REDBRIAR…or maybe something new. I feel the need for new. Bear with me please.

Hope you are all doing well. June! I’m so excited for you! Steph, I need to read your stuff! I’ve been sacrificing good lit for lesser pursuits, aka. money. Bleh. ‘Nough said.

As a final note: Regret is the enemy of Dreams…Dream on beautiful…


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